Sometimes you can look at life's circumstances and you understand what happened. It is not good, but it happens. Here my grape vines are all looking good, and I discover one dead vine. I give it a tug, and alas, the gophers have chewed it clean off. Sad, but inevitable.
But check out this next picture. Same size starter. Same sunshine. Same amount of water. Same soil. One has taken off, and one is going nowhere. What is wrong? Who knows. I cannot see any reason for it. It reminds me of life, and how things work, now more than ever in history. It used to be that if you did the hard work, you had a reasonable expectation of modest success. Now millions of people post on Tic Tok. All are ignored, but one goes viral and is wildly successful. They are rarely special, or extraordinary. Just lucky? Is one grape vine lucky and the other unlucky? Not likely. There must be a formula working, but it is obscure, perhaps deliberately so. I have finally finished the last book of the Runners Series and am ready to start marketing. But how? How do I get sales going? My books are lost among millions of books on Amazon. Do I need to get lucky? That would be nice, but does not seem like much of a plan. I guess I get to work and try to make one sale at a time.