I watched Tucker interview Elon Musk last night and he pointed out the most interesting thing. He said twice as many people are dying in Japan each year as are being born. He was making the case that we should pay attention to the health of our species. I was surprised and had to check the facts.
In 2022 there were 6.4 births per 1000 people, and 12.6 deaths per 1000 people. It was true. So I checked another fact. In 2023 there was a ranking of all nations of the world by IQ. No surprise, Japan came out on top, at an average IQ of 106.48. (100 is average).
That made me wonder what country was at the bottom. I scrolled down. Nepal, with an average IQ of 42.99. Wow, big difference. In America, an IQ below 70 is the first measure required for the diagnosis of mental retardation. I checked the birth and death rates in Nepal. Birth rate of 17.53 per 1000. Death rate of 5.58 per 1000. Over three times as many born than are dying.
It is a pretty solid correlation. If you extrapolate back, you see the human race getting progressively dumber. Such an extrapolation leads back to a singular event, the creation of a very smart human. Apes did not evolve to be smart by natural selection. If they had, we would still, as a species, be getting smarter. A singular event, the creation of humans, requires a creator.
I rest my case. Thank you Elon for another proof of God's existence.
"The creation of a very smart human." Wonderful confession based on the evidence! ...and why is "the human race getting progressively dumber"?. "Do not be misled. God cannot be mocked. Whatever you sow you reap." Thanks for your blog!